Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Interview with former head of security

The former head of security ... Ru », how organized the first day after the acquittal by jury why his colleagues Forge and deal with the investigation and who is actually behind his criminal case.

On Wednesday, the Moscow City Court jury acquitted all defendants of all the ... The Board considered unproven fact of kidnapping forwarder Andrei Vlaskin, in which the accused security personnel of the company. November 26 court order to the former vice-president of ... In anticipation of the final hearing, Levin agreed to answer the questions ... Ru ».

- How did you spend on the first day of freedom after two years in jail?.

- Answered the phone, walked in a circle between the three phones, a half-day one and the same was repeated. Many people congratulated and rejoiced. A community service I did not do anything.

- Former co-owner of ...

Yes, too, congratulate, very happy for us to.

- The new job did not call?.

A what? .

- While you were in prison, talked with other inmates? .

- Of course, to understand. We have somehow not made ​​it to sympathize with each other. They're just hoping for my defense.

- The media said that being in prison is strongly affected by your health. In particular, Chichvarkin in a video message to the president said that in prison you have exacerbated hepatitis. How do you feel now?.

- I'll have to pass medical examinations. Just two months was a hard trial, was physically very hard. Now focus on the feeling I can not, because the exhausted. The court was still sitting properly. On average, the meeting went from one to four hours, but was normal. Here is everything else - it is very difficult. To go to court in a poorly -equipped car, around the clock to find the room, no sun, and so on. It is physically difficult. Chichvarkin told the aggravation of the diseases that I had. There is acute, but. But now I can not yet say anything definite about his health, do not know yet.

- Is there pressure on you during the investigation?.

- I was there, and on my accomplices operatives pressured. At each in different ways: one tried to ...

- Do you mean your colleague Sergei Katorgin, which struck a deal with the investigation, and then canceled it?.

- Yes. He was kept apart from us, and with him at all unpleasant and incomprehensible story is. Exactly what the investigator did not have to be completely happy and trial, he received from him, but struck down in a heap. Katorgin Then, of course, gave up his words. For transactions with the investigation, I did not attend, but then from the case realized that Katorgin waited for him to withdraw some of the charges and released from custody, but the investigation did not make either one or the other.

- Why are you in the court recognized the arbitrariness of a?.

- This was my last word, but I did not utter the words ... I admit guilt only in the fact that in 2003, partially stripped Vlaskin freedom of movement, and I recognized that the return of stolen property, in some cases carried out not by the algorithm, which is prescribed to us the law. This is, in fact, was one episode. I am also interested in what the company will be able to return. Vlaskin family went to meet us, began to return the property purchased with stolen them from the company money, but without the consent of the owners, we did not made ​​a single step.

- How do you think, why the police have remembered about the story just five years later, in 2008, instituting criminal proceedings against you?.

- I had to find something. They understood that the main plot - Smuggling - the case, because of which ... I'm in this business is not involved, could not take part in it, and then the opportunity presents itself. They remembered the case five years ago, qualifying as a kidnapping and extortion. Although it was a nonsense in law when extortionists all carefully documented, and then passed on to law enforcement agencies. Each element of the transfer of property has been well documented, we all wrote in spravochki, gave to the accounting. The form of reference, by the way, was developed by the investigator Tarasova, who helped us to return the property, and lawyers. Every time we passed the money, we wrote the FAQ. When parents Vlaskin told us that they are ready to give us a cottage in Tambov, we went to meet them. They are elderly themselves unable to sell it, so we offered to do so. Although this house, we sold a few years, I have fulfilled its obligations - gave him a certificate stating that no claims to no longer have Vlaskin. Here is how to persuade him to testify, I do not know. I suppose that he did not immediately go to that.

- And you know, where the former freight forwarder is now?.

- Not interested. At home, probably.

- In the media much has been said that when you are in search of Vlaskin appealed to the police department SAD, once participated in the ex -Major Yevsyukov.

- Evsyukov while some do charge unit, which proclaimed that the people on the wanted list. When he filed a resolution to declare the wanted list Vlaskin, he signed it - in my opinion, not even himself, and one of his deputies. There was no personal involvement, he did not accept, but then the media have tried to beat it somehow. None of us Evsukova never seen. This is just speculation on behalf of the loud.

- You can now tell who and why began to prosecute members of ...

Then, from simple to complicated, a lot of vectors. The easiest - it was a revenge to me personally. I know it was justified. This is not Vlaskin and his colleague Smurgin. I am in court to prove that in the situation they were in seventh heaven because he was free, that they just took the collar and said: ... They were happy that they only asked to return the property, and not sent to prison, and did not touch. And there was a touch of that great Vlaskin knows about it. He is still very lightly. He did not revenge. I could take revenge on those who tried to rob the company to $ 20 million in 2006. I have prevented it, had secured the return of the goods, and then they also put. I was then interested only in returning the item, I did not insist on them criminal prosecution, it is a matter of the Moscow prosecutor's office. By the way, I believe that these people themselves lightly ( the policeman Vladimir Knyazev, convicted of embezzling phones ... Ru »). The same Latvian, for example, decided the issue, as it is now called. With me sitting in prison investigator who exactly in the same antics received nine years in prison - and Supreme Court upheld the verdict. Unfortunately, at that time was generally set up a legal complex, which allowed the prosecution, the Russian Federal Property Fund, the Customs office to rob the business. At that time the law allowed to do it. As for the Latvians, the man I saw three or four times in the life. We had a normal communication, I have a personal claim to it is not at all. He was also a tool, and drove them to anyone - above or at the side, no matter.

- That there are politicians in the ...

- I said about revenge, but about the political motives can not speak. We do not know everything, and do not want to be a chatterbox.

- Why do you think the jury rendered a verdict of acquittal? .

- They saw what happened. They just do not know of the CPC. Any rules and laws, in this case, the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure, allows unscrupulous people to swim with confidence in these codes, and interpret as they think necessary. In CPC there is an excellent article 17 of the ... In the first paragraph states that the judge, jury and prosecutor, the investigator assessed the evidence in his inner conviction based on the totality of available evidence in a criminal case, guided by the law and conscience. Here is a conscientious, honest man will be guided by law and conscience, and the dishonest will maneuver in subparagraphs. Lawlessness is not available. Take the investigator or the prosecutor and ask why he did this abomination, and he replied that he has such and such an article such and such an item - it is perfectly otpishetsya.

- Does yesterday's verdict, which will soon be able to return Chichvarkin?.

- If the verdict will stand and will come into force, then comes the collateral estoppel. Yesterday's verdict confirmed that there was no evidence of a crime. Therefore, if the verdict comes into force, all charges must be removed.

- We are confident that the verdict will stand in the Supreme Court?.

- Hard to say, but we hope that will stand. I hope that the court will notice that on all counts by 12:0. The technique of a jury - it is quite complicated. They find a procedural violation is very easy. From a formal point of view, you can find fault with anything around the. The prosecutor, for example, mentioned the word ... The judge had to stop him and ask the jury not to consider this phrase in the verdict, but this was not done. This is the formal reason for the appeal. The sentence will be next Friday, the judge will announce it to us Korotkov, and after that the prosecutor's office ten days to appeal. I am sure that they do. Otherwise, how well - the investigator kept five men in jail for two years, prosecutors agreed to this, and then she agreed to with the indictment. Then we tried to blame the court. And if the prosecutor was going to say 'yes, we were all wrong, ...

- Are not you afraid that against you may be instituted another case? .

- Yes, I am afraid of provocation, because I know whom I was dealing. Little did they come up with. Some even find the thief who once stole something, and he was forced to return, something rigged, will find people that I fired. For example, in the court of witnesses were people who sacked me for any negative reasons. But I will not leave the country never.

- And what do you intend to do in Russia? .

- I do not know. I'm not a policeman, who always knows where to go. I have never worked in law enforcement, and so I called the ... Before the ... Each branch - a separate service. I do not trust any of the personnel department of any recommendations, did everything with his hands, took away the heads personally. Here are all of the organs, especially from the police, because if it were the main problems. One of the best was Alexander Yakovlev - he of the FSIN, and my deputy in the CIS has been in the past, an army officer.


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