1) Sale of options.
Perhaps the most stable income for today. On average, 50% to 100% per annum. In February of 2008 was the peak of earnings per unit in Sapa, we now have two options - provides a sound around sites or sites with lots of. Both technologies are quite justified. The risk is minimal as possible on the Internet. To harden the positions of their own investments to work with multiple exchanges at once, especially now that this is no problem.
2) Context.
In recent falls in the same way as n. 1, but the margin is lower here. Revenue is increasingly blurred due to the large number of resources, plus the crisis prevents infusion of more resources to this method of advertising. We should expect a small spike due to the migration of resources from off-line advertising. Cons - the impossibility of obtaining a quick jingle of money. Any site other than under the context of its creation, and still requires the withdrawal of the top.
3) Varese and porn.
As history has shown with the Russian Billing - impossible to kill porn. The money will still get to the adverts. If you have an opportunity to promote your site on these topics - it guarantees you a high enough return on sms and popanderah. It seems that the theme popanderov over time will go down, but so far the impact of very high. The problem only issues with the law - porn and warez still fall outside the scope of legal business, and you have to do it at your own risk.
4) Pharmaceuticals, dory and other work in the West.
Given Google's profit growth of 30%, we can say that this segment will continue to grow and generally looks extremely promising. You can also suggest the migration of advertising budgets in the west to the Internet, which also add fuel to the fire. But I myself do not do that ever, so I can not advise.
5) Button Salvage.
This refers to investments in software that repeatedly justify itself at the lowest cost over time. I think that this was a venture, so they will remain - for the ages. Speaking in Russian, at your own risk.
If you have lost a few MNT, do not try to put them in first thing you'll love. Carefully look at the market - now everything is changing so fast that tomorrow your investment can turn into nothing. And it will be very sad. I would now put only on those who own large capitalization, small loans or credited. Moreover, the volume is not so important. Just those who lived before the arrival of the parish, will experience considerable difficulty, if not already experiencing. With the same who created sufficient financial cushion you'll be warm and comfortable even for a very long time.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Investment trends in times of crisis
Monday, March 26, 2012
UK will study Wi-Fi harmful to human health
The British Health Protection Agency (HPA) has initiated a detailed study on possible health risks, applied by the wireless internet (Wi-Fi) in schools across the country, writes Telecom Asia.
Wireless networks are present in most secondary schools in the UK and more than half of primary schools. Permission to build wireless networks in schools in the UK issued several consumer groups that are critical to high-tech systems.
However, officials of the HPA believe that research will show the complete failure of the arguments of consumer groups, and Wi-Fi- network does not carry any threat to the health of British schoolchildren. The signals used in wireless LANs, have very low power (about 0.1 watts), so there is no reason why schools should not continue to use Wi-Fi.
However, it is expected that the study of the influence of Wi-Fi- devices on human health will take two years and will cost about 610 thousand. USD.
Source:. Nag. ru.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A bit more about the incubator.
I draw your attention, 1. :. WE DO NOT PROVIDE A PHYSICAL LOCATION FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPANIES, ONLY SET OF SERVICES. That will help build a successful business startup.
I draw vnimanie2. : The most important person in the startup - predprinimatet. 99 % of the work makes predprinimatet, we plan to provide access to knowledge and experience that will most effectively carry out actions aimed at building a business startup.
I draw vnimanie3. : Sending information to us, you give a report, that we may disclose it to third parties (experts, investors ), and you are responsible for what not to disclose information constituting trade secrets, know-how or any other information that may be life ...
By creating an incubator (rather selecting incubation activities in a separate area ), we pursue the following objectives:.
a. Optimize their activities in order to help the maximum number of entrepreneurs to gain access to knowledge and experience that will help them build a successful technology company.
2. Help investors to gain access to high-quality stream of projects to reduce their risks by qualitative selection and preparation of draft.
3. Get the best minority stake in start-ups that have gone through a complete cycle of incubation.
As part of the incubator will be more bodies, who will work with the project:.
a. Core team. A few people who will work with the projects day-to-day. These people will work at the zero cycle from start-ups and ensure that work with other agencies.
2. The Council of Experts. We have abandoned the traditional practice of this council include ... The council will only include those who: a) can bring concrete benefits to the projects in terms of building the business, b) to spend on this thing one time (we'll ask the 5-10 hours a month 2 days per quarter for the session ). Areas in which we will collect experts - business development, marketing, product development, monetization, positioning, strategy, software development, channels, PR, payments, intellectual property. The list will be flexible (some will fall, others be added every month). There is already a large number of applicants. They will work with the project at the sessions (once a quarter).
3. The Investment Committee. It will include investors (angels and foundations) who support us. They will look at the early stages of projects and monitor their. All startups are giving them the right to the first night (when ready to start a startup fund rising, it transmits its Executive Sammary and Presentation Board and investors waiting for two weeks from them wondering whether they answer or not, only then he can go the rest of the capital market ). Pay attention, this is not an obligation to take money from a particular investor, it's just a kind of temporary handicap to our investors so that they can not think of fuss whether to launch negotiations on investment. These investors may be more than 10. We are very grateful, because there is an incubator at their expense, and incubator services for the majority of startups will be free.
4. investors. In this section may enter any investor who is not willing to help us financially, but also convince us that it may invest. ( On the market there are some people who say they are investors, but they do not invest and attract money for commissions. Also, there are investors who, together with the money brings problems to the company ).
5. Advisory Board. It will include people who have experience of working in an incubator and incubator. They will help rebuild the processes in an incubator.
The procedure of working with start-ups will be as follows:.
a. receipt of the application. In order to get into the incubator must complete the application form - will be written below.
2. After a preliminary screening of applications, or employees of the incubator to help write the Executive Summary and the start-up or ask for help to correct the existing.
3. Obtained from a pool of Executive Summary is selected from the 10 to 20 projects that fall to the next stage. Prior to this stage of start-ups is an agreement that in case of a successful.
4. On selected projects carried out in several iterations of the work on developing a strategy.
5. Projects are displayed on the coaching session, where a particular technology will be built to work with experts, aimed at developing the right strategy in the areas described above. Before this session, we conclude an agreement that in the case of successful completion of this stage, start-up incubator shall provide five (the figure is agreed ) % stake in an existing or future company.
6. The outcome of the selected start-ups (3-10 ) that go to the next stage.
7. After the session, all work is formalized in the form of Executive Summary and Presenation, are given at intervals of two weeks of the Investment Committee and Investors.
The cycle will be repeated on a quarterly basis.
In order to send the draft to the incubator should be brief (it will be a limit of 500 characters per question ) to answer the following questions:.
a. Brief Description of Project.
2. Markets in which the project focuses.
3. Description of the problem the user decides that startup.
4. Description of competitors ( note that the competitors are not those of the company, oktorye make the same product, and those who decide the same issue ).
5. Status of intellectual property in the project.
6. What has been done within the project.
7. Experience of project team.
In fact, an attempt to concisely but fully answer these questions, the task is not trivial. The very attempt to do this already makes many rethink.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Relay - my desktop
Recently, I have not seen others musorok. Malashkin. its just now lit. I wonder the same, and your look!.
By the way, double the height of the toolbar I podglyadel one designer, and has since been using it for seven years: it is very useful when a lot of tools in. Wallpaper I change rarely. More precisely, almost do not change. This animedevochku spied on some wallpaper site two years ago. On another computer, black wallpaper with an unknown model ( five years they have probably).
Publish their desks in his blozhekah and leave a link. Give us a striptease!.
Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Advertising blog.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The grouping of tabs in Google Chrome
'Add a group in the context menu tabs '. allows you to easily manage open tabs. All that is required is to select them, squeezed the button holding CTRL, and then perform a common operation, such as to close them. More look to the video review.
Post-industrial business and historical gap
Read a book the other day ... In general, this polufuturisticheskaya book about what it all comes. Abstracts:.
Consumers are becoming increasingly important force in the market due to the awareness and diversity of opportunities to obtain the desired.
Business is increasingly dependent on the talents that are beginning to dictate terms. So the staff not only have to pay, and as much as they say, but we must give them a dream and to create conditions that they were comfortable.
The only possibility for survival of companies are constant innovations, products and frenzied sexual adaptability.
Inequality among men ( of talented and medium-sized, rich and poor ) is increasing and will increase.
The book is full of examples raznovsyakih (the authors spent a mad proud of sticky leaves ), success stories and failures, other interesting statistics. There are many arguments about what should be a company to be competitive in the post-industrial world.
Apart from the fact that the book is interesting and inspiring, it was something that bothered me in the process of reading. And I strained the historical gap. Arguments about the business in this book have so little in common with the Russian market, which until then we all, as far as China. All this does not apply. It's still a lot to offer to use the Moleskine to some coolies, who carries the day on their feet the rich ladies.
Here is a simple statistic. At present hundreds of new millionaires Forbes, who set up their own business. But the Americans. Europeans - most of them - Daddy's heirs and the grandfather status. In Russia - is close to the power- resource- holding. All the rich people of our beautiful country can be divided into:.
Vlastderzhaschih and their family members (absolute majority);.
Gangsters ( past and present ) and their accomplices;.
Accidental entrepreneurs who are very lucky to cling to any feeder.
It is difficult to remember the people who got rich because they have created something. That is, they are, but as the exception proving the rule. We all who have grown rich, somehow gained access to the resource. By varying the trough. Take any large structure, such as Gazprom, and with any scrutiny it becomes clear how efficiently they operate from a business perspective. Ugly and inefficient. But they do not need, it's just a huge distribution valve.
All that has created a restructuring - is uncertainty about the future and the only true business model of our society. Snatch at any cost and as soon as possible. But I have not actually met to organize a rally here, I just want to say that, given these initial conditions, in terms of markets and business Russia is an extremely inefficient country that lags behind the others on the generation. In fact, one could do business here, just copying the West. Because even just high-quality service at the car wash can be our revolution.
Innovation? . It all seems a pity. Yes, mega money, yes, technology parks, but, sorry, the model is not changed. And there are all the same principles of Russian business. I somehow separate focus on this topic.
But, nevertheless, we, as a romantic people, for whom the main thing - it is self-realization, we want to go just that way. Create a business that would work for our principles, not rules of post-Soviet. Business, in which the professionalism and quality would not be empty slogans. It is clear that the external environment will influence and affect much, but at least we are not experiencing illusions on this subject.
Here is a romantic retreat postnovogodnee - impression) )).
Download the book, if you're interested, you can. in the Files section of our Google- Group.
Opposition Armenian sites disabled
With the entry into force of the restrictions for the media associated with the introduction of emergency in Armenia, some opposition news websites were inaccessible to users, according to tape. py with the reference to 'Armenia Today'.
A special regime introduced by the decree of Armenian President Robert Kocharian, tells the media to cover issues of domestic policy only on official information. News agencies reported the country's users about the limitations and continued to work.
However, the news sites ' known opposition oriented ', for reasons unknown no longer open. Among them, the Armenian Mission Radio Liberty '(azatutyun. am), the publication ' Lragig ' (lragir. am), the agency ' A1 ' (a1plus. am), electronic versions of newspapers ' Aravot ' (' Morning ') (aravot. am) and ... am). In this case, according to the agency, this morning the country's Internet users have received from their providers notice that some sites will not work by the Government.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Players from Sony Walkman E020 went on sale in the United States
Line of Walkman E020 player from a reputable manufacturer, by Sony, has appeared on the consumer electronics market in the U.S.. In Asia, models with built-in memory capacity of 1 gigabyte and 2, respectively, 69 and cost $ 79, it is assumed that the cost of similar models in the United States will not be much different.
Now the player Walkman E020 are even more colorful, their removable panels allow you to correlate the color of the gadget to your mood. However, the faceplates are not so cheap, the cost is $ 12 per share. According to rumors, the model presented in the United States does not require working only with the Windows operating system software SonicStage. The player from Sony E020 has a built- color LCD display and comes with a pair of headphones.
Price: $ 69, 79.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Buzzing Mosquito - light-sensitive audio block
Hate mosquito buzzing by your ear? . The new device plays Buzzing Mosquito buzzing of mosquitoes and is equipped with several light sensor to activate.
Once it gets dark or you turn off the lights - up to your ears buzzing mosquito will carry, and if you turn on the lamp to find and neutralize the impudent insect - the sound dies down immediately. Quite a cruel joke, right? . The cost of the device is about $ 10. Dimensions Buzzing Mosquito - 2 x 4 x 5 cm.
Price: $ 10.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Philips launches budget phone 692
Philips has announced the imminent appearance in the sale of their new phone 692. New made in an elegant building, which has the form-factor ...
Consider the technical specs:.
- Work in GSM 900/1800 MHz;.
- The size of 104h48h15 mm (height, width, thickness), weight 104 g;.
- Touchscreen display with QVGA- supporting 260,000 colors;.
- 11 MB internal memory and a slot for flash card standard microSD up to 2GB;.
- 1.3 -megapixel camera;.
- USB- interface;.
- Handwriting recognition (English and Chinese);.
- Bluetooth support.
Additional phone features include a stopwatch, calculator, alarm clock, calendar, java-games, the Anglo- Chinese and Chinese -English dictionaries, unit converter, currency, women's calendar, and a program for weight control. Included with the phone is the stylus. It is not known which countries will be sold to Philips 692, but it is clear that the list will be China. Data on the price also does not.
mobiledevice. ru.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The demand for blast zone. Russia is growing
Roskomnadzor reported that the number of applications for registration of the electronic media with reference to the domain name in their area. Russia is growing. So, in April there were only three, and in June 103 out of 292 applications. To date, they came to a few dozen a day. Such excitement has certain reasons - July 15, priority registration begins domains in. Russian Media. Experts believe that the hype to a certain extent artificial, since it most likely is under a speculative basis.
Roskomnadzor Media must register in the presence of all required documents within one month. The resulting license gives the opportunity to participate in the priority domain registration. In the case of providing the organization before September 15, the first and has the right to base price ( £ 1200. ) To register a domain that matches the name of the media.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Fifth place Pwn2Own
In early March of this year in Vancouver (Canada), the regular annual hacking contest Pwn2Own, which is part of a security conference CanSecWest. The event was organized TippingPoint, whose representatives voiced the amount of prize money - 125 thousand dollars. Of these, 20 thousand dollars from Google will go to someone who breaks into Chrome browser. The program of the competition also included Web browsers - Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. The winner promised 15,000 dollars and a new laptop.
Another compartment is the Pwn2Own hacking smartphones with mobile operating systems Apple iOS, BlackBerry OS, Google Android and Windows Phone 7. The prize winner receives a communicator, and 15 thousand dollars. This year, Pwn2Own contest was held for the fifth time.