Saturday, March 24, 2012

A bit more about the incubator.

I draw your attention, 1. :. WE DO NOT PROVIDE A PHYSICAL LOCATION FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPANIES, ONLY SET OF SERVICES. That will help build a successful business startup.
I draw vnimanie2. : The most important person in the startup - predprinimatet. 99 % of the work makes predprinimatet, we plan to provide access to knowledge and experience that will most effectively carry out actions aimed at building a business startup.
I draw vnimanie3. : Sending information to us, you give a report, that we may disclose it to third parties (experts, investors ), and you are responsible for what not to disclose information constituting trade secrets, know-how or any other information that may be life ...

By creating an incubator (rather selecting incubation activities in a separate area ), we pursue the following objectives:.
a. Optimize their activities in order to help the maximum number of entrepreneurs to gain access to knowledge and experience that will help them build a successful technology company.
2. Help investors to gain access to high-quality stream of projects to reduce their risks by qualitative selection and preparation of draft.
3. Get the best minority stake in start-ups that have gone through a complete cycle of incubation.

As part of the incubator will be more bodies, who will work with the project:.
a. Core team. A few people who will work with the projects day-to-day. These people will work at the zero cycle from start-ups and ensure that work with other agencies.
2. The Council of Experts. We have abandoned the traditional practice of this council include ... The council will only include those who: a) can bring concrete benefits to the projects in terms of building the business, b) to spend on this thing one time (we'll ask the 5-10 hours a month 2 days per quarter for the session ). Areas in which we will collect experts - business development, marketing, product development, monetization, positioning, strategy, software development, channels, PR, payments, intellectual property. The list will be flexible (some will fall, others be added every month). There is already a large number of applicants. They will work with the project at the sessions (once a quarter).
3. The Investment Committee. It will include investors (angels and foundations) who support us. They will look at the early stages of projects and monitor their. All startups are giving them the right to the first night (when ready to start a startup fund rising, it transmits its Executive Sammary and Presentation Board and investors waiting for two weeks from them wondering whether they answer or not, only then he can go the rest of the capital market ). Pay attention, this is not an obligation to take money from a particular investor, it's just a kind of temporary handicap to our investors so that they can not think of fuss whether to launch negotiations on investment. These investors may be more than 10. We are very grateful, because there is an incubator at their expense, and incubator services for the majority of startups will be free.
4. investors. In this section may enter any investor who is not willing to help us financially, but also convince us that it may invest. ( On the market there are some people who say they are investors, but they do not invest and attract money for commissions. Also, there are investors who, together with the money brings problems to the company ).
5. Advisory Board. It will include people who have experience of working in an incubator and incubator. They will help rebuild the processes in an incubator.

The procedure of working with start-ups will be as follows:.
a. receipt of the application. In order to get into the incubator must complete the application form - will be written below.
2. After a preliminary screening of applications, or employees of the incubator to help write the Executive Summary and the start-up or ask for help to correct the existing.
3. Obtained from a pool of Executive Summary is selected from the 10 to 20 projects that fall to the next stage. Prior to this stage of start-ups is an agreement that in case of a successful.
4. On selected projects carried out in several iterations of the work on developing a strategy.
5. Projects are displayed on the coaching session, where a particular technology will be built to work with experts, aimed at developing the right strategy in the areas described above. Before this session, we conclude an agreement that in the case of successful completion of this stage, start-up incubator shall provide five (the figure is agreed ) % stake in an existing or future company.
6. The outcome of the selected start-ups (3-10 ) that go to the next stage.
7. After the session, all work is formalized in the form of Executive Summary and Presenation, are given at intervals of two weeks of the Investment Committee and Investors.
The cycle will be repeated on a quarterly basis.

In order to send the draft to the incubator should be brief (it will be a limit of 500 characters per question ) to answer the following questions:.
a. Brief Description of Project.
2. Markets in which the project focuses.
3. Description of the problem the user decides that startup.
4. Description of competitors ( note that the competitors are not those of the company, oktorye make the same product, and those who decide the same issue ).
5. Status of intellectual property in the project.
6. What has been done within the project.
7. Experience of project team.
In fact, an attempt to concisely but fully answer these questions, the task is not trivial. The very attempt to do this already makes many rethink.

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