Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Post-industrial business and historical gap

Read a book the other day ... In general, this polufuturisticheskaya book about what it all comes. Abstracts:.

  1. Consumers are becoming increasingly important force in the market due to the awareness and diversity of opportunities to obtain the desired.

  2. Business is increasingly dependent on the talents that are beginning to dictate terms. So the staff not only have to pay, and as much as they say, but we must give them a dream and to create conditions that they were comfortable.

  3. The only possibility for survival of companies are constant innovations, products and frenzied sexual adaptability.

  4. Inequality among men ( of talented and medium-sized, rich and poor ) is increasing and will increase.

The book is full of examples raznovsyakih (the authors spent a mad proud of sticky leaves ), success stories and failures, other interesting statistics. There are many arguments about what should be a company to be competitive in the post-industrial world.

Apart from the fact that the book is interesting and inspiring, it was something that bothered me in the process of reading. And I strained the historical gap. Arguments about the business in this book have so little in common with the Russian market, which until then we all, as far as China. All this does not apply. It's still a lot to offer to use the Moleskine to some coolies, who carries the day on their feet the rich ladies.

Here is a simple statistic. At present hundreds of new millionaires Forbes, who set up their own business. But the Americans. Europeans - most of them - Daddy's heirs and the grandfather status. In Russia - is close to the power- resource- holding. All the rich people of our beautiful country can be divided into:.

  1. Vlastderzhaschih and their family members (absolute majority);.

  2. Gangsters ( past and present ) and their accomplices;.

  3. Accidental entrepreneurs who are very lucky to cling to any feeder.

It is difficult to remember the people who got rich because they have created something. That is, they are, but as the exception proving the rule. We all who have grown rich, somehow gained access to the resource. By varying the trough. Take any large structure, such as Gazprom, and with any scrutiny it becomes clear how efficiently they operate from a business perspective. Ugly and inefficient. But they do not need, it's just a huge distribution valve.

All that has created a restructuring - is uncertainty about the future and the only true business model of our society. Snatch at any cost and as soon as possible. But I have not actually met to organize a rally here, I just want to say that, given these initial conditions, in terms of markets and business Russia is an extremely inefficient country that lags behind the others on the generation. In fact, one could do business here, just copying the West. Because even just high-quality service at the car wash can be our revolution.

Innovation? . It all seems a pity. Yes, mega money, yes, technology parks, but, sorry, the model is not changed. And there are all the same principles of Russian business. I somehow separate focus on this topic.

But, nevertheless, we, as a romantic people, for whom the main thing - it is self-realization, we want to go just that way. Create a business that would work for our principles, not rules of post-Soviet. Business, in which the professionalism and quality would not be empty slogans. It is clear that the external environment will influence and affect much, but at least we are not experiencing illusions on this subject.

Here is a romantic retreat postnovogodnee - impression) )).

Download the book, if you're interested, you can. in the Files section of our Google- Group.

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