Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Civilization cyclops

And a new discovery, giving rise to just such assumptions.

Recently, in the Rhodope mountains, was discovered a mysterious skull that was soon dubbed the Bulgarian Media ' mystical skull '. If you believe the author finds it he first dreamed of. It turns out that Roman Genchev, inveterate collector of meteorites, almost a month dreamed the same dream: he is sent on a mission, he goes off to the mountains and finds a strange creature 's skull. All of what happened.

The skull is immediately investigated, scientists. First of all, they are using the radiocarbon method, set its age and analyzed the DNA. Apparently, the findings were so intriguing that they are classified. But in the era of the Internet to hide information about this discovery is very difficult, reported it first appeared on the network, and then in a number of publications.

If we take into consideration that found only a part of his face, carefully cut down by someone in ancient times, mysterious creature apparently fell from the hand of man.

Put on a skull found Genchev flesh, imagine bloodshot eyes, and you have a pretty horrible creature that resembles a hybrid of human and bovine. However, the victory over the monster in this particular myth is not drawn: suppose that the creature was a small increase. However, it is possible that the skull belonged to an adult is not. It should take into account the fact that we know nothing about the fighting qualities of the monster. Maybe it has the ability to telepathically influence a person, or spitting poison wielded under cover of darkness, attacking from ambush?.

Bulgarian ufologists considered, referring to a DNA test that the skull belonged to clearly extraterrestrial creation. There has even been hypothesized that it belongs to a bio- fueled human blood that is: that the skull is something like a centrifuge, which separates the plasma from the blood.

Of course, there are less shocking hypothesis, for example, some scientists believe that the skull of a prehistoric animal is not yet known to science.

In South America, archaeologists have also discovered a strange skull of unusual elongated shape, which is stored now in the Museum of Peruvian Perakasa. Scientists suggest that it is not less than 10 thousand. years. Many consider him the undisputed evidence of alien visits to Earth.

Some researchers are inclined to think that the reason for this form of the skull is a genetic mutation, but the most popular hypothesis is that the elongation produced artificially. For some, possibly religious reasons in the area of the planet the ancients practiced a modified form of the skull, for which new-born baby 's head tightly perebintovyvali, achieving sometimes striking results. Similar specimens caught among the skulls of the Incas. So, most likely, no long-headed aliens flew to us.

If we talk about abnormal findings, one can not recall the famous crystal skulls. Discovered in South America and other parts of the world, they still represent an unsolvable mystery for scientists. For what purpose intended, these unique products? .

In 1927. the excavation of an ancient Mayan temple in British Honduras (now Belize) has been found the most famous of them, which later received the name of the Mitchell Hedges skull, or cranium Rock. According to the stories of Anna, adopted daughter of the famous British archeologist Mitchell - Hedges, which found him in the first days after the ' dialogue ' with his amazing discovery of her amazing vision began to emerge.

It seemed at the time transferred the ancient Maya, watching their lives, rituals, and saw the flowering of. Already in 1927. It was suggested that the skull in some incomprehensible way he could keep the information about those times, when this masterpiece was created.

In the 60s. XIX century. in Mexico have found a crystal skull that is stored with the 1898. in the British Museum, which researchers believe a simplified copy of the Mitchell- Hedges skull. In contrast to the Skull of Doom, whose lower jaw is made separately, it is a monolithic.

Both the skull, according to experts, are women and their parameters is almost comparable with the present. Attempts were made to recreate the look of those mysterious ladies who served as models for the creation of these unique items. Although the facial reconstruction of the skull were performed in two different institutions, they gave similar portraits of Indian women. Who was she? .

The main mystery of crystal skulls is a filigree of their performance. According to some experts, to make such masterpieces without the use of modern technology can not be. For example, an expert from a famous company ...

One of the scientists calculated that the manufacture of such a skull of no less than seven million hours of. Of course, after such statements specialists emerged the hypothesis that the skull - the handiwork of aliens (apparently on the planet they have nothing else to do it ).

I personally prefer the view that the manufacture of crystal skulls involved in a highly developed civilization of the earth, who died in a global cataclysm. The fact that it existed (maybe not even one!), According to the stones of Ica, the pyramids found in the Crimea, a unique map of stone, found in the Urals, and many other artifacts.

' An interesting paper. Mysteries of civilization '№ 15 2007.


The existence of a cyclops!.

There they found the remains of unknown creatures, whose growth was 2.5 m, weight - 300 kg. In the skull there was only one eye socket, which is located exactly in the middle of the forehead. Age of discovery - about 10 thousand. years. Scientists have reconstructed the skeleton of the appearance of strange creatures. The resulting image has shocked scientists around the world as it is 100% same as the description of the Cyclops. But to this day it was believed that Cyclops - only the characters of myths and legends.

The authors findings often come to regret, that curiosity has brought them into the cave unfortunate, because the message about their discovery, first perceived as a silly joke. Only after a thorough examination of the bones and skulls of experts acknowledged that they undoubtedly belonged to the Cyclops. But how can a creature from Greek mythology, fell to Texas? . We recall that Homer portrayed Cyclops (also called the Cyclopes ) cruel giants and pointed out that they live in caves, engaged in cattle breeding.

Prior to the American heroes of Greek mythology cyclops to get, of course, was far away, but Ro- dopskie mountains in neighboring Bulgaria, they could visit without too much hassle. If Cyclops was quite real being, then why not assume that the Minotaur - polubyk - poluchelovek - also once trod this earth?.

Mysterious skull.

And a new discovery, giving rise to just such assumptions.

May 21, 2001 Mr.. in the Rhodope mountains, was discovered a mysterious skull that was soon dubbed the Bulgarian Media ' mystical skull Minotaur '.

Unrelated to any known species odomu of the skull, without delay, scientists have investigated. First of all, they have established with the help of radiouglerodnogo'metoda his age, and analyzed the DNA. Apparently, the findings were so intriguing that they are classified. But in the era of the Internet to hide information about this discovery is very difficult, reported it first appeared on the network, and then in a number of publications.

Unfortunately, data on the age of the skull have not yet been disclosed, but if we take into consideration that found only a part of his face, carefully cut down by someone in ancient times, mysterious creature apparently fell from the hand of man. Maybe an unknown monster hunter was Theseus - the legendary Athenian king, who defeated the Minotaur?.

Put the skull flesh, imagine natitye bloodshot eyes, and you have a pretty creepy exists that resembles a hybrid of human and bovine. However, the victory over the monster in this particular myth is not drawn: suppose that the creature was a small increase. However, it is possible that the skull belonged to an adult is not. It should take into account the fact that we know nothing about the fighting qualities of the monster. Maybe it has the ability to telepathically influence a person, or wielded plevapos poison under cover of darkness, attacking from ambush?.

Of course, there are less shocking hypothesis, for example, some scientists believe that the skull of a prehistoric animal is not yet known to science.

The remains of aliens?.

In 1995, in South America, archaeologists have also discovered a strange skull of unusual elongated shape, which is stored now in the Museum of Peruvian Perakasa. Scientists suggest that it is not less than 10 thousand. years. Many consider him the undisputed evidence of alien visits to Earth.

Some researchers are inclined to think that the reason for this form of the skull is a genetic mutation, but the most popular hypothesis is that the elongation produced artificially. For some, perhaps, religious reasons in the area of the planet the ancients practiced a modified form of the skull, for which new-born baby 's head tightly perebintovyvali, achieving sometimes striking results. Similar instances are found among the skulls of the Incas. So, most likely, no long-headed aliens flew to us.

But the so-called Taung child 's skull found in 1924. the north-west of South Africa, is shaped like a pumpkin. For many years it was believed that he belonged to ape-like creatures in the age of three. However, recently Lee Berger and Ron Clarke of the University of z. Witwatersrand (South Africa ) have suggested membership of the skull is not earthly substance, but humanoid, who died in the fall on the sharp rocks.

Taung child 's skull.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called star skull boy found in Mexico in the 1920s. , But only recently fallen into the hands of scientists. He apparently belonged to a child, but rather a strange. For example, consider that there could be three frontal lobes of the brain, rather than two as in the general population. Be- likovahdlya child and brain volume - 1600sm'3 ( the average adult -1400 cm3). The shape and location of the sockets is also unusual.

If we talk about abnormal findings, one can not recall the famous crystal skulls. Discovered in South America and other parts of the world, they still represent an unsolvable mystery for scientists. For what purpose intended, these unique products? .

Anomalies around us.

Do not forget that the history of civilization in the world is replete with examples of various abnormal kurezoa. For example, Robert Funky, which opened worldwide network of museums in 1930. photographed by the Chinese in Manchuria with a horn on top, and in the newspaper ...

Many members of the human race is still skillfully mutilate themselves. Recall of Burmese women, prolonging their necks with rings. Finally, look at the Kunstkammer, where the aliens are not preserved in alcohol.

How to prove the facts, humanity has little knowledge about the history of planet Earth and life on it. Recently, researchers do not deny, as before, and prove that lived on Earth, many being referred to in the myths and legends. Thus, more than once found evidence for the existence of giants, the cyclops, volumes, dragons. Most likely, the reason for the disappearance of these amazing creatures became a man. Perhaps someday an ancestor of modern humans will be considered with interest the skeletons are still existing around us animals.

E. Kruglov ' interesting paper. The world of the unknown '№ 23 2008.

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