Monday, April 2, 2012

Evolution of greed

First became apparent to remove advertisements online. T. e. tops, where offered or any covered service, even helpful, and have a reputation - erased. No way to do it for a fee is not granted. In parallel, the directory of local resources pushed to the menu so that the number of transitions from there fell to a minor - links themselves have long been made through a redirect.

Then they started to fade, and allegorical themes. Member - he's no fool, he used methods to convey information in any other way, the most common of which - a reference recommendatory. In parallel with the support of the administration turned hysteria ' ad won ', and any Default with a small number of reports were considered as potential criminals who want something poreklamirovat. And someone caught it on advertising arranged a solemn public reprimand.

Then banned links in your signature. any. Even on your own website can not be referenced. even the elderly. Direct link is only for Global moderator, which is parallel to the person responsible for selling advertising on the site.

Now we have demolished the category ' Internet resources of the city '. Cause: The Portal for 9 years has given 30 million. External transitions are now enough. Instead invited to post links to educational and social resources.

I have no claims against the owners. I go to the portal to communicate, even though less and less, because the number of trolls off scale. Just curious, on the other gorportalah the same garbage and still be something there and not be afraid to post it, that forced to the wall, if you prove the feasibility of your message?.

It should not get me wrong: I'm against an advertising spam, but when all is simply removed altogether, and instead does not give anything necessarily bad thoughts arise. The system is most often to blame for trying to break it.

1) I want to be able to pay for something that brings money to me. For advertising topics including. Take the example of sercha.
2) I do not want to deal with cheating the system. Not because I can not. I just do not like to do.

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