Friday, April 6, 2012

Scientists have found a probable ancestor of animals

Chinese paleontologists have shown that the globular fossils of organisms age 570 million years of geological formation Doushanto are possible ancestors of Representatives superkingdom Holozoa.

This kingdom includes the animal kingdom, some of their closest unicellular relatives, but does not include mushrooms, passes.
tape. py.
As part of the researchers used x-ray spectrometer on the basis of which they were able to recover the internal structure of fossils. The analysis allowed once again to confirm that the samples are of organic origin. In addition, scientists have found that these ...
For example, in 14 out of 450 fossil remains of cells in the process of division. The geometrical features of these cells show that they could not belong to a multicellular organism. Scientists also tried to restore the life cycle of ancient organisms - during the analysis they were able to detect similarities with some modern organisms.
According to scientists, the ancient body began life as a large cell. After that happened inside the cell division. For some time, the cells were in a protective shell. After the rupture of the cell membrane floated out and the cycle begins anew.

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