Monday, April 23, 2012

Magicians of Arctis

Experts in the field of magic, sometimes claim that the art of magic back to the Normans in hordalanderam - the oldest inhabitants of the sunken continent Arctida, in ancient times there somewhere in the Far North.
Sword against the specter of.

The ancient Scandinavians were very rich in ideas about all sorts of spirits and magic. Their magic was based on intuition, feeling, is not subject to reason. Mages become only through a long spiritual work conjugate with the suffering and even insanity. Next to people, it seemed like the Scandinavians, lived a lot of supernatural beings, the ideas of which were very peculiar. For example, Norman ghosts can be killed with knives.

Risen from the dead.

Rather, it is not even about ghosts, but about the walking dead. One of the Icelandic sagas tells us that he lived in the village Torgalshtadt reclusive farmer named Glaam. Others do not like him. Once the neighbors found dead in the yard Glaama and some signs have decided that he was killed by a ghost. After the death of this man was to harm the villagers, kill livestock. Those who met him by accident during the night, lost his mind. This is a nightmare that had befallen Torgalshtadt, heard Gretge brave and went there to fight the living dead.

One night the ghost appeared before Glaama Gretge, who was lying in bed. Between the two struck up a fight. When it seemed that the ghost beat Gretge, suddenly returned to the force. He waved his sword and cut off his head Glaamu, then burned the corpse, the ashes collected in a leather bag and hid it away from the meadows and roads.
Eyrbiggernskaya saga tells the story of how a rich woman named Torgunna ill and died. It is divided between the relatives and their property, among other things, ordered to burn the bed, which gave up the ghost. However, the heirs did not do as well as the bed was very expensive. Soon after, fell ill and died 18 of 30 people who lived in the house. Their ghosts are appearing every day by the hearth, as if to warm themselves by the fire. Then the priest of the dispute re - ordered to burn all the same bed Torgunny, and the ghosts of so-called door to complain about the court, which had the power to dare the ghosts.
So did the. When the bed was burned, the court door, meeting in the house Torgunny, summoned to a meeting of the ghost of her brother Torero Vidlega. He was not slow to appear. ... The same thing happened with the other deceased relatives Torgunny. After the expulsion of ghosts in the house became a priest, who sprinkled the house of prayer, holy water. Most ghosts do not appear.

The magic of the Normans could be directed not only to a worthy cause. Angry and jealous hu man sometimes leads to damage of the villagers. Perhaps the worst damage was considered an instrument of guidance ' number of hate ', which sticks into the ground, putting on his horse's head. It was believed that the direction in which ' looks ' horse face, by all means come misfortune.

This action was accompanied by the utterance of magic spells. When the great scald Egil Skallegrimsen ( 910-990 years ) decided to put a spell on the land the royal couple - Erich Blyutaksa Gungildy and he landed on the outskirts of the island, up the slope of the mountains, facing their country, plunged into the ground nut number and put it . But he said these words: ' And all draw against the winds of the country, who live in it, so they are always wandering, and found himself a permanent place, until driven out by Erich King and Queen Gungildoy '.

runes of magic.

A particularly important role in the Scandinavian runes of magic played. According to experts, runic magic is based on the sacred coding, sacred reading and tracing systems, signs and letters, endowed with magical and divine meaning. As the findings of archeology, already the first signs, written by man on the stone, bone or wood, of course, wore a magical character. The oldest finds of this kind belong to the XVII-XVI millennium BC. e. Even among these are signs that resemble some of the runes. In the VI-V millennium BC. e. in Europe, began an extraordinary cultural progress. Archaeologists find many household items and jewelry to put on them images of a magical nature. Many of them are precursors of the runic alphabet. Still later, in the III-I millennium BC. e. , Of the magical characters begin to turn into a magical alphabets.
It is believed that the first Germanic Runic alphabet - Futhark - formed the II century AD, has already. The prototype of the alphabet, the letter was severoitapiyskoe. Of course, the word ' rune ' comes from Old Norse noun ' rune ' means ' whisper ' or ' secret '.

As the Norse myth, the secrets of the runes was originally owned by the giant Mimir and sage. Addressed to him the supreme god Odin, who was the patron of wisdom.
Giant demanded intimate knowledge of the right eye of god. One not only gave his right eye, but also nailed a spear to the world its own tree, where he hung for nine days. These days it's up to him and desired knowledge.

In the evil and the good.

Use magical runes can be as evil and the good. The same Egil Skallegrimsen able to use them for healing people. One day he went to the familiar peasant, whose daughter was ill. She lay unconscious. Egil carved runes on a fish bone, which was then put under the pillow of the patient. Then the farmer 's daughter woke up, as if from a dream, and said she felt better.
It is interesting that the Scandinavians did not have magic to separate white and black. Magic was considered just a good, if directed to the benefit of the people, and bad if you use it harmed. Any magic was equally legitimate, and respected magicians, if they did not use the spell in a fraudulent manner. And in this case is not the magic itself, and its purpose was considered shameful.
Prior to the adoption of Christianity the use of runes and charms no pillows were accused, even if they are used for evil. But it took only half a century, and Engal, the killer Gretta Strong, was declared a national assembly outlawed for being defeated with the help of magic Gretgu.

foresaw the future.

There was a soothsayer and his Normans - volyury. Especially a lot of them were in Norway and Greenland. The saga Torfina Karasemna is a description of one such fortune teller: ... On the neck were wearing beads, black on the head Wing cap, lined with white cat fur. In her hand she held a stick with a brass knob, sprinkled with gems. Covered waist belt, on which hung a bag of tinder and other appliances for making fire. Nearby hung a leather bag, which kept the prophetess magic potions for witchcraft. On the legs were sheepskin boots made ​​of calf leather with long straps at the ends of which jingled, hitting one of the other, pewter buttons. In her arms were warm gloves made of cat fur. Once a woman came in, all considered it their duty to jump in and, bowing, to greet her. She gently took each or cold, depending on whether people liked it or not '.

A good magician should have known the plot ' varlokka ', who had a particular force. In addition, it should be able to interpret dreams. In the Normans every man and every woman is able to explain dreams, but the magicians did particularly well. They also had the gift of prophecy, and know how to look into the future.

News from Skypecine. com.

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